BONARD Market Outlook Tracker
About the Tracker
With changes in student visa policy reshaping student flows to major English-speaking destinations, BONARD has rolled out a monthly update to assist education providers with navigating in this evolving environment.
This essential and timely intelligence highlights imminent opportunities and helps with tactical allocation of marketing and recruitment activity toward the most suitable markets for each destination.
The tracker provides a real-time access to visa data, including:
Unique cross-destination benchmarks
Trends in student visa issuance
Visa approval rate by source market
Identification of fastest-growing markets
Note: Please note that students may study on other than student visa. For more information about what the data represents, please refer to the methodology statement (bottom).
BONARD Market Outlook Tracker
Australia: Student Visa Approval Rates (selected markets)
Source: Australian Government, 2023; Immigration New Zealand, 2024; IRCC, 2024; UK Home Office, 2024; U.S. State Department, 2024
Notable slowdown in Independent ELICOS visa issuance, after the sector quickly recovered. Notable slowdown in Independent ELICOS visa issuance, after the sector quickly recovered.
Notable slowdown in Independent ELICOS visa issuance, after the sector quickly recovered. Notable slowdown in Independent ELICOS visa issuance, after the sector quickly recovered.
BONARD Market Outlook Tracker
Fastest-growing Markets
Australia (Higher Education)
China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Cambodia, UK
India, Nigeria, China, Philippines, Algeria
New Zealand
India, Nepal, Philippines, Germany, Thailand
Myanmar, Vietnam, Nepal, Pakistan, Colombia
Interested in the full dataset or a bespoke country report?
By filling this form you request a real-time access to visa data, including:
Analysis by sector/study level;
Detailed source country analysis;
Detailed student visa grant rate, including trends;
Identification of fastest-growing markets;
Specific source market benchmarks.
We look forward to assisting you further.