Educators discover new markets in BONARD’s latest trade mission to China

Harnessing unrivalled market intelligence and expertise in event management, BONARD has conducted a trade mission in China unlocking new opportunities for educators in New Tier 1 cities.

Nov 18, 2021 BONARD

Sixteen educators from five countries participated in the virtual event, which took place over two days on the leading virtual conferencing platform Marcom eSchedule Pro.

Educators had a chance to organise meetings with 32 agents selected by BONARD from the top 10 New Tier 1 Cities across China, a market which is not easily accessible – but one that offers excellent opportunities for international educators. A total of 206 one-to-one business meetings took place.

BONARD’s unparalleled knowledge of the local market, developed through years of engagement with China, allowed the trade mission to offer a unique value proposition to the educators that participated in the trade mission: the chance to meet new business partners in the fast-growing market of the New Tier 1 cities in China.

Grace Zhu, BONARD’s China Branch Manager, explained: “Our strength lies in our in-depth knowledge of the local market. That’s why we decided to focus on selecting agents in New Tier 1 cities: that is where we can offer the best opportunities for educators from all sectors.”

“Our partner agencies from Tier 1 cities have a great local reputation and a large pool of prospective international students, and are more open and ready to form partnerships with overseas stakeholders than oversubscribed agencies in other parts of China.”

BONARD COO Igor Skibickij praised the expertise and dedication that made the event successful.

“Events in China are challenging due to many factors and nuances,” he explained. “It took cumulative experience of our Events team led by Lenka Kubasova having organized over 100 successful events internationally along with in-field support and dedication of our team in China led by Grace Zhu.”

“We believe the mission provided quality meeting time and platform for educators, service providers and agents in China to create meaningful partnerships. We can’t wait to run it in person in 2022.”

Grace Zhu
China Branch Manager, BONARD

Lenka Kubasova, Senior Business Solution Manager, commented on the execution of the event, in which BONARD recruited both agents and educators via an invitation-only system.

She said: “It was a pleasure to support educators from five different countries with a possibility to meet pre-selected agencies from China’s New Tier 1 cities.”

“We look forward to building on from this experience. We will draw on our participants’ feedback to further improve and perfect our unique B2B platform for educators and agents.”

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